Subacromial impingement syndrome (SAIS), or shoulder impingement, is a common cause of shoulder pain. It results from the inflammation and irritation of the tendons on the rotator cuff.

Subacromial impingement syndrome (SAIS), or shoulder impingement, is a common cause of shoulder pain. It results from the inflammation and irritation of the tendons on the rotator cuff.
This includes pain and weakness of the shoulder, resulting in difficulty moving the arms freely (especially when performing overhead and backward motions).
Those who engage in sports that require excessive and repeated shoulder movements—especially where overhead and forceful motions are involved—are at a higher risk of developing subacromial impingement. Some common examples are swimming, baseball and tennis.
Similarly, those whose professions require heavy lifting and arm movements (e.g. construction) are also at a higher risk. Old age and old shoulder injuries and surgery are also possible risk factors.
The doctor will first assess the shoulder’s range of motion and look for symptoms such as pain, tenderness or swelling. This may be done through special orthopaedic tests where the shoulder will be carefully manoeuvred, and pain felt in certain motions and areas will be taken as a sign of a shoulder impingement.
Where necessary, imaging tests such as an X-ray and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) will be conducted so that the doctor can see the bones and soft tissues respectively, clearly.
Treatment options for shoulder impingement include:
Reduce your chances of developing shoulder impingement (or recurrence) with these tips:
If you have further enquiries or would like to make an appointment at Ardmore Orthopaedic Clinic, simply fill in the form below or call us at +65 8070 9908. We will get back to you as soon as possible.